Saturday, July 25, 2020

Four Invaluable Tips to Job Search Less And Interview More - Workology

Four Invaluable Tips to Job Search Less And Interview More - Workology #1 Build Relations Just how tiring is to have to start all over again and dive into the atrocious process that is job searching and interviews? There have been no official surveys or research to conclude this with any official data, but I reckon it’s an experience that can be paralleled to the feeling of spring finals approaching again. “I’ve already been through the winter ones, so I know that this sucks. And summer is so close too!” In other words, it’s more that we think ahead of the daunting and time-consuming processes and steps that await us. It’s never just about job hunting. It’s about revising your CV, polishing the perfect cover letter, praying for an interview, prepping for the interview, not sleeping because of anxiety while awaiting the answer, etc. At some point, especially if you’re a recent grad, just getting your CV noticed is somewhat hellish in itself, how are we going to cope with everything else? Wouldn’t it be just great if we could completely skip these steps and jump straight to the interview? Wouldn’t it be great if we were so attractive to the eyes of the employers that they would skip this step altogether? Well, about that… #1 Build Relations In an era that relies so heavily on interpersonal relationships, to say that relationships and connections are the keys to everything wouldn’t be an overstatement. In fact, skipping the tediousness of job hunting courtesy of this advantage is a growing trend, with many people opting to put themselves out there right in the spotlight of the big boss of the company. But how to do it? One option is to visit the website of your desired company and find the contact information of the CEO or manager and get in touch directly with him or her. But  if you happen to have your eye on a company too big for words that might be possible. The good part here is that this usually also means lots of employees, so even if means “starting from the bottom,” having someone that can slip in a recommendation or two means a ton. #2 Have Great Content Having important connections is one way to go, but another great strategy is ensuring that you’ll no longer be the one to seek out opportunities. Let the  opportunities  seek  you instead. If you’re active in a creative field of sorts, you automatically become difficult to replace. Innovation and fantastic ideas aren’t taken lightly, and these two traits make you a hotspot for requests and recruitment. In a circumstance like this, there’s no surprise that engineers are financially rewarded so generously. It’s no easy task to stumble upon people with insightful manufacturing ideas. The greater  your expertise, the more specific said area is if you’ve only got writing skills under your belt, make sure you use them well. #3 Become Recruitment-Friendly The first step to becoming “recruitment-friendly” is to have great content, which youve already done (right?). But, of course, one major problem arises â€" how are others supposed to find you and give your content a chance, to begin with? Luckily, through the power of the internet and the amazing advantages offered by technology, this is something that you can take care of yourself. Try having as many social media platforms as possible, especially a LinkedIn account. With them, get in touch with other job-seekers or even companies themselves. Always have links on your profiles to your portfolios that showcase all things that might get a possible recruiter interested in you. Showcase your interests and relevant hobbies. Make sure that all your profiles are essentially live, online resumes that are always readily polished for opportunities. #4 Build A Reputation I guess it should be obvious by now, but the tip to landing more interviews than job hunting sessions usually lies in ensuring you’ll approach employers as rarely  as possible. They should be the ones to seek you out. Sounds impossible, right? Not when you have a reputation that reels them in. Said reputation can start being built up online via the social media platforms aforementioned. Be involved in communities, solve the problems others may have, recommend your desired company to others with extensive information on why they should apply. If you have past experience that involves other connections or instances of being approached first, this fact in itself will spread like wildfire.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

3 Genius Ways You Can Get Your Business

3 Genius Ways You Can Get Your Business Brand presentation is everything to a business, and it's something you ought to persistently be chipping away at consistently. It's insufficient to simply get your name out there and make individuals notice your organization you need to be directly in the essences of your clients, so they generally observe your image and consider you. This is an extraordinary method to increase new clients as well as hold them and fabricate an unwavering client base. Along these lines, I will give you three virtuoso ways you can get your business into your client's pocket actually! Business Cards I think the most customary thought is to print out some great business cards and hand them out to individuals. This is a surefire method of producing a client base. Individuals with your business card are normally going to consider your business at whatever point the time introduces itself. Envision you maintain a window cleaning business and hand your cards out to individuals in the city. At the point when the opportunity arrives for one of these individuals to require their windows cleaned, they're clearly going to cast their brain back to the business card in their wallet for this administration! Additionally, by giving clients your card you've basically settled somewhat of a bond between you. On the off chance that they ever need a greater amount of what you offer, at that point they can get the card and dial your number again. The basic thing here is to make the cards look proficient, as this causes you create more leads. Free Key Tags Handing out free product is the same old thing. By doing this, you can give individuals things that have your image name/logo on it, and give a steady update that you exist. It works a similar path as business cards; when an individual with your custom key labels considers an assistance/item that you give, their first idea will be to go to you! You're in their pockets, but on the other hand you're in their brains! Key labels are the ideal piece of merchandise to use as it's something individuals will really carry around with them constantly. They connect them to their keys, and the rest is straightforward subliminal brain research! A Mobile App At long last, we have the cutting edge thought of building up a versatile application for your business. This has become an exceptionally mainstream method of getting your business into the pockets of your clients. Everybody conveys their telephone with them regardless of where they go. In this way, envision they have an application that lets them associate with your business somehow or another. They can arrange things by means of the application, use it to gather reward focuses, or even get warnings sent through by means of it. There are such a large number of things you can do with a versatile application beyond any reasonable amount to talk about in this article alone! Every one of the three of these thoughts will absolutely assist you with drawing nearer to shoppers and your clients. You can attempt every one of the three in case you're feeling especially limited time, or simply pick the one that you feel will work best for your business.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Pinterest Isnt Just For Recipes Anymore How to Use it to Recruit - Spark Hire

Pinterest Isn't Just For Recipes Anymore How to Use it to Recruit - Spark Hire We as a whole realize that Pinterest is ideal for those hoping to attempt new nourishments or get sly at home, yet this site can really be an incredible enlisting instrument as well. Despite the fact that it may not appear it, Pinterest is rapidly turning into a hot new methodology for those hoping to connect with top-level ability. Here are a few different ways that you can utilize your Pinterest board for something beyond sticking exercise schedules you won't really wind up doing: Give work a pin board In case you're seeking initiate for a specific position, consider committing a pin board explicitly to the opening. On the board, you can post pictures that summarize a portion of the credits that you're planning to discover in an applicant. You can likewise utilize pictures to delineate the sorts of undertakings that the recently recruited employee will be approached to take on. Furthermore, you should seriously think about sticking some helpful assets for the individuals who are hoping to seek after this sort of occupation. As an ever increasing number of individuals go to Pinterest for proficient direction, it is critical to build up a nearness on the stage. Connection back to your organization's site Pinterest is a marvelous method to gather some additional traffic for your organization's site. On the off chance that you pin an especially helpful article or picture, ensure it interfaces back to your organization's site. An individual who is intrigued with the substance will most likely snap to discover its source, and might be enlivened to connect with you. Hotshot organization culture A selection representative can utilize Pinterest to show the organization culture found at a portion of their customers' working environments, or at their own work environment. Pin pictures of organization excursions or the workplace space itself. These pictures will provoke an individual's curiosity, and are undeniably more successful than basically composing a message that says, This organization is laid back. Consolidate video Still pictures and text can make it hard to get a genuine feeling of what an organization resembles. Pinterest permits clients to consolidate video, which empowers them to make a 3D image of that specific association. Rather than trusting that your words are doing the business equity, let a short video get the message over. At the point when you start to consolidate Pinterest into your web-based social networking enlisting schedule, remember to keep on continueing to take care of your profiles on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. A few up-and-comers lean toward Pinterest, while others are vigorously associated with Twitter. Ensuring you are dynamic on the entirety of the significant internet based life locales will assist with boosting your enrolling endeavors and land you first rate ability.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

8 Quick yet Effective Hacks for your LinkedIn Job Search - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching

8 Quick yet Effective Hacks for your LinkedIn Job Search - Wolfgang Career Executive Coaching Thanks to Abhyank Srinet for another great post, this time, focused on your LinkedIn Job Search. â€" Coach Wolfgang A LinkedIn profile is the gateway to professional success especially if you are just starting out. With opportunities like interacting with top experts in the industry and following their work and connecting with recruiters to increase your chances of getting hired, LinkedIn is a boon indeed! Utilizing all the features that LinkedIn has to offer would be the perfect way to optimize your profile as well as make good professional connections which ultimately help you to strengthen your network and pave the way for future collaborations. Here are some quick tips that don’t take long to implement. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #1 Using Open Profile Usually, you can send messages to your first connections and to people who are in the same group as you are a part of. But, the Open Profile is a feature of LinkedIn Premium where it lets other users get in touch with any other LinkedIn user. Hence, look for people who are a part of the Open Profile network as even a non premium LinkedIn user can send them messages. Use this feature to your advantage to make good professional collaborations. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #2 Power Of Status Updates Status updates are crucial if you want your LinkedIn profile to outshine others. A status update in LinkedIn is accompanied by your name, your profile picture, your title, the status update itself and some engagement metrics. If you start updating your status regularly, then recruiters see that you are quite active and that is a big plus when in a LinkedIn job search. LinkedIn says that around 20 posts per month must be your target to reach at least 60% if your target audience. Hence, keep your status updates coming! Pro Tip: Remember to post only meaningful things related to your fields of interest which actually add value to the readers. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #3 LinkedIn Messenger Features Having meaningful conversations strengthens your professional relations with people you are connected with on LinkedIn. That is why, LinkedIn has offered a messaging service where you can chat with your connections. The good thing is that you can use this messenger on your home screen itself, making it easier for you to reply to any messages quickly. Also, there is an option for you to get email and push notifications whenever somebody sends you a message so that you don’t miss out on anything. Pro Tip: There is also a “People You May Know” section in the messenger. This is a great way to expand your professional network by connecting with people who have the same skills or interests. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #4 Automate Your Group Posts Being active on LinkedIn groups that you are part of is imperative to make important new connections and maintain the old connections as well. Here, using some third party applications will really ease out the process by automating your group posts. Here are two such applications: Hootsuite allows you to share your posts directly to Facebook, WordPress, Twitter etc. You can also schedule multiple posts and track who has shared your posts on which platform all this on one dashboard. This simple user interface allows you to easily access information about your current posts statuses. Buffer can be used to schedule posts on a daily basis on a particular time slot. For example, On weekdays, you can schedule your posts at 4PM and on the weekends, you can schedule your posts at 10AM. You can also find out at what times do your posts get the maximum views so you can update your posts at that particular time in future. There is also an option of using Google Analytics to see how much traffic you get via social media posts. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #5 Who Has Viewed Your Profile? Did you know that LinkedIn allows you to view 100 profiles per day? There is a way to make the best use of this at the right time. If you have applied for a job, then check the recruiters’ LinkedIn profiles before your interview. Whenever you view another profile on LinkedIn, your name appears on that person’s “Who’s Viewed Your Profile” list. This way, your name is already in the recruiter’s mind and when they interview you, they already have a fair idea about your profile. This also goes to show that you are proactive and are really serious about the job post. This simple action of just viewing another person’s LinkedIn profile can actually boost your career! LinkedIn Job Search Tip #6 Have A Common Name? Fret Not! LinkedIn has around 467 million profiles and it is not an astonishing fact that there might be a lot of people with the same name as yours. So, how do you carve your own identity? You can stand out from a pool of “likes” by creating your own signature block which consists of your full name, your contact email and your current job title or the skills that you are proficient in. Once you create a signature block, place this in the right locations. The first place you can put this signature block is at the end of your summary. Next, start putting up the signature blocks whenever you talk about your interests or whenever you post something related to your fields of interest. This way, people know who you are and can easily remember you as well as contact you if necessary. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #7 Use Multiple Photos To break the monotony of text in your profile, use a couple of professional photos in LinkedIn to add some extra spark. These photos can be of you addressing a group of people as part of a seminar that you gave or even a picture of the prototype that you created for your upcoming project. According to LinkedIn, a post that accompanies with a picture has at least 94% more views that a post sans any photos. Pro Tip: Take extra care to make sure that you use only professional photos and not any random picture. Also, ensure that the quality of the photo is high so that there aren’t any blurry images in your profile. LinkedIn Job Search Tip #8 Secure Your LinkedIn Browsing With the advent of technology, the rise of viruses in your phones and tablets has also risen. Hence, it is crucial that you are digitally safe and secure especially when you are using a public WiFi or free hotspots. LinkedIn offers a feature which supports HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) browsing which protects your device from dangerous viruses. Here is how you can enable the secure browsing option: Go to Settings. Click on “Account” tab. Check the box which says “Manage Security Settings”. PS: If you don’t see this option, don’t panic! LinkedIn would have automatically enabled this option for you. Following the above tips will definitely help you boost your LinkedIn profile a few notches higher. If you need some more hacks to polish your profile further for your Linkedin job search, visit to check out an in depth checklist, following which your LinkedIn profile would be ready to shine! Good Luck!