Friday, May 8, 2020

Which of the Following Statements About Electronic Cover Letters is True?

Which of the Following Statements About Electronic Cover Letters is True?Which of the following statements about electronic cover letters is true? Some applicants feel that the only way to impress their professional peers is to write their cover letter by hand. Others feel that they have to spell everything out so it can be easily read on a computer screen. While all applicants can benefit from the advantages of the latest technology, this doesn't mean that everyone has to use the same words or pictures to convey what they want to convey in their letters.Some professional recipients will question why an applicant would submit their application using their own words. Others think that it's possible to overdo the details that are included on a resume. However, when an applicant addresses the incorrect assumption about the use of technology in professional applications, they run the risk of being held accountable for their falsehoods. The following statements about electronic cover lett ers are true and accurate.It is possible to write an electronic resume or electronic cover letter without using a computer. Additionally, it is not possible to use a computer to prepare a professionally written document. Therefore, the use of computers in professional applications is not necessary. Personal computers can be used to provide a touch of professionalism, but personal computers cannot be used to create a professionally written document. This concept is sometimes referred to as 'preserving the human element' in professional applications.Most professional applicants know that employers' screening committees do not check applications. They take some initiative to get this information, but it doesn't change the fact that employers rarely do more than skim applications before they assign an offer of employment. The majority of human resources executives only need to make a quick decision when they are presented with a short list of applications. If an applicant makes this mis take, it could result in hiring a less-qualified applicant.A much larger percentage of employers and hiring managers are not familiar with the internet application submission service. They don't understand the potential need for search engines and other software to help identify qualified candidates. This means that applicants will often receive job offers even if they haven't been recommended to the department.It is important to include all of the requirements on your resume, including prior work experience, which includes experience within your area of expertise, but it is also important to remember that your education must match up with the skills you're seeking. An individual who is unaware of his or her skills may have difficulty successfully applying for a position. The potential for discrimination against a candidate based on their gender, race, or disability is very real. When an applicant seeks assistance, they should be aware that employers may be unwilling to hire someone who is considered 'too qualified.'Despite the fact that employers do not typically screen their applicants prior to offering employment, it is important to keep in mind that there may be a bias that prevents a woman from obtaining a promotion that is based on her husband's work history. Any employer who accepts the premise that their decision to hire a person would be based on one single factor should be fired. Professional applicants who are interested in representing themselves and their resumes without any outside involvement should consider using an employment lawyer. This may be a major disadvantage, but it can be extremely advantageous if the employer does take a second look at the applicant's resume.{T which of the following statements about electronic cover letters is true? | which of the following statements about electronic cover letters is true? - It is possible to write a great cover letter, but it isn't necessary to use a computer to do so. - Writing a well-written ele ctronic cover letter does not mean that it has to be made entirely by hand. - Professional applicants are cautioned to keep in mind that employers are not obligated to consider a computer application when making a hiring decision.

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